Activity: RARE- workshop: young people, news, and social media- Instagram Stories

Date:  27th January 2020

Topic: “Role of Public Media"

On 27th January, the afternoon was dedicated to a three-hour presentation and workshop by Hilma Toivonen and Vilma Rimpeläinen of the RaRe media company from Tampere. They started by telling their inspiring story of a group of five young media professionals

in their 20s founding a media cooperative with the aim of producing journalism that is accessible for young people and where they can get their voices heard. Their main platform has so far been Instagram. In October 2019 this cooperative won the Helsingin Sanomat Uutisraivaaja prize of 250 000 euros for their innovative ideas. The presentation was followed by a workshop where the participants produced Instagram stories on the themes of truth and entertainment in journalism, the voices that get and don’t get heard in journalism, and the possibilities that new technologies create.

Click to see the results

About the project

Headlines: More Than Meets the Eye  is a two year Erasmus+/KA229 School Exchange Partnerships running 2018-2020. The partnership consists of 4 partners, Finland, Spain, Germany and Greece
