

Activity: Logo and slogan contest

Date: January 2019


Task 1: Each country has to organise a local logo contest. Every student who wants to participate in the contest should create a logo using the following instructions:

Your design must convey the spirit of our Erasmus+ project and cover one of the following topics: fake news, manipulation of information through various media, media awareness, different perspectives on the same piece of news. You could design the logo, the slogan or both. You can draw, paint, or use a computer programme to design the logo.  The design should be fully original. You could also include the Erasmus+ Logo (probably include the word Erasmus+ or/and the flags of all participating countries. Participants must submit their Logos and /or slogans to the contact teachers.

Afterwards, each country should choose their 3 top logos and upload them into the specific folder on Google drive. Deadline for this activity will be Sunday 2oth January 2019.

Task 2:  Once all the logos are uploaded, each Erasmus+ team will decide which three logos they want to vote for. We can not vote for our own logos. We will only vote for 3 logos, giving 5 points to the best one, 3 points to the second one and 1 point to the third one.

Task 3: During the C2- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Madrid the logo and slogan design contest will take place. Each country will give their votes in alphabetical order (Finland, Germany, Greece and Spain) and we will add all the votes. In the end, we will have the winner and the logo for the project will have been chosen.



1.    Logos produced with tasks 1 and 2. (see the results)

2.    The official project logo chosen in task 3. (see the results)

About the project

Headlines: More Than Meets the Eye  is a two year Erasmus+/KA229 School Exchange Partnerships running 2018-2020. The partnership consists of 4 partners, Finland, Spain, Germany and Greece
