Results: Europa Institut -  Law department of Saarbrücken University

Date:  25th&29th November 2019

Topic: “Netiquette and online awareness"

The objectives of our cooperation with the law department of the University of Saarland was to shed a legal light on the topics we wanted to emphasize, i.e. netiquette and online behaviour. 

Prof. Giegerich started to define the scope of freedom of speech and its excesses.

In a second phase, students were divided into two workshops where they were asked to reflect on different types of situations related to hate speech and fake news.

In a second phase, students were divided into two workshops where they were asked to reflect on different types of situations related to hate speech and information manipulation

Were the situations they faced still within the law or not? How could they react?

The main objective of our cooperation with the university was to encourage students to distinguish between freedom of expression and the dissemination of information that went beyond and could be considered as outside the framework of the law.




About the project

Headlines: More Than Meets the Eye  is a two year Erasmus+/KA229 School Exchange Partnerships running 2018-2020. The partnership consists of 4 partners, Finland, Spain, Germany and Greece
