Activity: Europa Institut -  Law department of Saarbrücken University

Date:  25th&29th November 2019

Topic: “Netiquette and online awareness"

The objectives of our cooperation with the law department of the University of Saarland was to shed a legal light on the topics we wanted to emphasize, i.e. netiquette and online behaviour. 


Activity: Mirror, mirror on the wall

Date:  25th&29th November 2019

Topic: “Netiquette and online awareness"


Activity: Tri-fold brochure – Netiquette

Date: 29th November 2019

Topic: “Τri-fold brochure – Netiquette”

How do you behave online?

This brochure activity was designed to raise pupils’ awareness about online netiquette.

What should you do or avoid doing to keep safe?

About the project

Headlines: More Than Meets the Eye  is a two year Erasmus+/KA229 School Exchange Partnerships running 2018-2020. The partnership consists of 4 partners, Finland, Spain, Germany and Greece
